Orit Klapisch is an EABP registered body psychotherapist practicing in Israel, a dance mouvement therapist and teaching in Israel. Orit establisced The ILABP body psychotherapy organization branch in Israel. She found a relational body psychotherapy supervision program as well as a relational trauma body cource. Specialized in trauma-work, supervision and work with the "Inner Dialuge". Develop and serch in the frame of Phd studeys: "The relational body dialogue with sexual trauma wemen survaivers in childhod
Orit has also written and published papers on relational body supervision threw methafors: Klapisch-Cohen, O. (2015). A cloud and a box: An embodied triangle of imagery work in relational body PTSD psychotherapy supervision. Body, Movement and Dance in
Name: Orit klapisch D.O.B: June 17th, 1969
Profession: Body-psychotherapist, Dance mouvment therapist
Address: 3 Antigonus Street, Tel Aviv, Israel
Mobile: +972-(0)52-631213
In this workshop i would like to present clinical work from the field of relational body psychotherapy. I will illustrate how relational body psychotherapy positioning affects different aspects of imagination and reality in the field of supervision. While observing phenomena taking place in the intersubjectivity of the relational body psychotherapist
Learning objectives
This Workshop will offer its participantsl
1.The possibility to acquaint themselves with some basic principles of relational .body psychotherapy
2.Experience intersubjectivity as an embodied phenomenon, explored through .body resonance
3.Inspire connection between relational psychoanalysis and relational body .psychotherapy
This Workshop considers the place of imagery in supervision and its relational and corporeal resonances in the supervisory relationship. Drawing on Keleman’s (1985) formative psychology concepts in order to explore clinical material through a
composite case vignette from her supervision practice, the supervisor considers her parallel process and describes the role of her countertransference in the embodied .triangle of supervisor, supervisee and client
The body acts as a source of and resource for clues about the emotional state of the patient, as well as the supervisor, as a seismograph for the mind. The developmental stage characterizing the patient, the therapist and the supervisor as expressed by their bodies. Those clues shape the therapeutic relationship and affect it through the changes that the figures in the therapeutic field undergo. In this Workshop I will describe the changing power balance in therapy and supervision while using metaphors and body psychotherapy elements, in order to understand the resonance process of the supervision triangle. This work deals with intra and interpersonal processes. I will raise the awareness in this panel for supervision as a discourse of body transference relationships in supervision and therapy, including erotic transference, parallel relationships and body resonance, as shaping the relationships between the three participants. Conceptualization is given through the Psycho Sexual theory and passage of the pre-Oedipal stage as well as body resonance of different emotional needs and emotional patterns.
Totton, N. (2014). Embodied Relating: The Ground of Psychotherapy. International Body Psychotherapy Journal, 13(2).
Learning objectives
This Workshop will offer its participantsl
1.The possibility to acquaint themselves with some basic principles of relational .body psychotherapy
2.Experience intersubjectivity as an embodied phenomenon, explored through .body resonance
3.Inspire connection between relational psychoanalysis and relational body .psychotherapy
This Workshop considers the place of imagery in supervision and its relational and corporeal resonances in the supervisory relationship. Drawing on Keleman’s (1985) formative psychology concepts in order to explore clinical material through a
composite case vignette from her supervision practice, the supervisor considers her parallel process and describes the role of her countertransference in the embodied .triangle of supervisor, supervisee and client
The body acts as a source of and resource for clues about the emotional state of the patient, as well as the supervisor, as a seismograph for the mind. The developmental stage characterizing the patient, the therapist and the supervisor as expressed by their bodies. Those clues shape the therapeutic relationship and affect it through the changes that the figures in the therapeutic field undergo. In this Workshop I will describe the changing power balance in therapy and supervision while using metaphors and body psychotherapy elements, in order to understand the resonance process of the supervision triangle. This work deals with intra and interpersonal processes. I will raise the awareness in this panel for supervision as a discourse of body transference relationships in supervision and therapy, including erotic transference, parallel relationships and body resonance, as shaping the relationships between the three participants. Conceptualization is given through the Psycho Sexual theory and passage of the pre-Oedipal stage as well as body resonance of different emotional needs and emotional patterns.
Totton, N. (2014). Embodied Relating: The Ground of Psychotherapy. International Body Psychotherapy Journal, 13(2).
The course consists of ten sessions that instructional tools (the Internal Dialogue method, family constellations working with imagery through guided imagery and movement,) as well as theoretical discussion of significant issues in therapy.
Course goals: To train psychotherapists in the relational approach body-oriented psychotherapy. •. • Understanding the therapist / personal position of the therapist / coach while examining the unique place of the group members. • Developing an understanding of the concept of body resonance and develop ability to work with it, as a basis for understanding the relationship map in therapy and instruction. • Acquiring various tools for training while experimenting with them (with emphasis on the cues that arise in the body and the quality of the relationship in the training). • Discussion of various training issues as Life and death anxiety depression attachment etc.
The session is designated to: Body psychotherapists, psychologists, and social workers and art therapists, who teach or are interested in giving guidance and connecting familiar concepts from dynamic-relational training to their physical-mental resonance in the training room as a tool for expanding and understanding the therapeutic and personal process of the therapy triangle: patient – therapist – supervisor / instructor
.Different states of minds and situations in life requires diffrent tolls
.Here is a short meditation for therapists that helps contain challenging situations in therapy
Orit Klapisch is an EABP registered body psychotherapist practicing in Israel, a dance mouvement therapist and teaching in Israel.
כתובת הקליניקה:
רחוב אנטיגונוס 3 תל אביב
טלפון: 052-263-1213
דוא"ל: beyondtrauma1@gmail.com
תמיכה ושאלות נוספות בנושא הקורסים
טלפון: 052-263-1213